It was outset published in her journal. And it'due south about cute eggs and tater stickers – that have unfortunately fallen under the scrutiny of her pencil.

You may be wondering, "What is this going to be nigh?" This is an extract from my journal, an entry that I had written last Jan before volume blogging had taken over my life. And it's – strangely interesting. (Sarah says that it's considering I needed an outlet. Then I've taken that I am at present a step up because instead of ranting to myself, I am ranting to actual people. Poor, innocent people who have to withstand these… somewhat tortures.) So, I have decided to share it with you (though I'grand unsure whether this is the proper decision or not) past typing it up for the internet to see.

May I present to yous, my unfiltered encephalon barf nearly cute stickers. Have fun!

CAUTION: If you dislike spontaneously foreign and casual rambles with an excessive use of caps lock, exclamation points and weird thoughts, I would advise you to stay away from this mail service. It's not for the faint of heart. This is, however, for amusement purposes. πŸ˜‰ Continue reading

Hello world!

Now that you have recovered from our April Fool'southward postal service, nosotros are dorsum to our regularly scheduled (and well written πŸ˜‰ ) posts!


This calendar week, I'll exist reviewing Delusion Road… which is actually harder than it sounds. Trying to type this out reminds me of something Paul once said (I tin can't find the post right now): it wasn't a terrible book, it was only… meh. Forgettable. It was enjoyable enough that I finished it without feeling like I was slogging/obliged to read it, but at the same time, it was missing that matter that would accept me rate it higher.

It was a solid volume all round: even though it was filled with cliches (just look at that summary: I dare yous not to ringlet your eyes). However, it was solid: especially with the character development. Even if the plot was sort of boring, the grapheme arcs (and how they grew) were very interesting. I didn't hate any characters (which surprises me) equally they all had something to add. If anything, the occasional predictability made it comfy.

This is the kind of book that you have to read in a certain mood, otherwise it feels really meh. I enjoyed the easy fashion of writing and plot, but it was missing something essential. (The hateful, sarcastic person in me says "originality".)

Withal, I would rate this book 3 out of 5 stars.

~ Sarah

(And I'1000 really sorry about the curt review, merely balancing procrastination, building a crane out of popsicles and an English-cum-media assignment/presentation – due on Friday, simply assigned on Tuesday – is stressing me out)

Hi, err'body!

On this lovely Sublime Fridays, Faith and I have an heady new announcement (no, it's not another meme XD ). We've decided to endeavour something new: we're going to be reviewing books in French from now on! We will still postal service the occasional English postal service but we wanted to branch out and ameliorate our French too, so we thought that this would exist a great platform to kickoff! Please excuse our horribleness in French, as information technology won't be perfect past any means. So here's our very offset duo French review! Continue reading

Ah, sisters. The bane of their siblings existence and a perpetual annoyance. The reasons why Katniss volunteered for the Hunger Games, the messages were sent (in To All The Boys I've Loved Earlier) and general drama. (Also the reason my parents plant out I was blogging. Thank you). I myself have a sister – I think that the world (at to the lowest degree mine) would be a lot better without one.

Here'southward to you, you piddling monster.

(PS I would have never volunteered in the Hunger Games for you.)

Today I will be comparing Blood Blood-red Route and My Sisters Keeper. If you did a double take, and then you lot'd exist right, every bit these books actually have very little in mutual. However, I'1000 stuck for ideas currently, so if you guys accept whatsoever topics/themes, PLEASE Annotate THEM (#drastic #thirstyandIknowit). Continue reading


Salutations and happy Easter! Here is the third or fourth-ish Late Tags with Sublimereads!

(I'thou certain that everyone learned the word "salutations" from Charlotte's Web. Who didn't?)

Although this was originally for Valentine'south Twenty-four hours, we liked information technology so much that we decided to do it now anyways! The graphics are perfect, so go on over to Booktidote to check out their amazingly beautiful blog. Thanks for thinking well-nigh the states for your original tag! ❤ Keep reading

Have you always wondered what Faith was like at age 6? Wonder no more than!

This week, I am taking over Sublime Fridays past reviewing a slice of text similar all book bloggers do. This post was originally for Earth Poesy Twenty-four hours a few days ago but since I had missed information technology, I am now gracing your presence with a verse form we've all been absolutely looking forrard to. But there'southward a slight deviation: it's a elevation notch piece of literature written past yours truly… when I was six.

(Due south: Is it weird that my first reaction to this thought was :YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS)

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Hello peeps XD

Today, I will completely disappoint Paul (nothing actually funny hither, distressing) and post a "boring" review. Whilst information technology may non exist the most "rainbows and sunshine" of reviews, this book even so shines a light – on some of Canada'southward more shaded problems.
My 6th review volition exist over the very first graphic novel nominee this year (the very first and very simply, actually).

Keep reading

Yay, my showtime imprint! (And I took the photo :3) Whatsoever thoughts? ~Faith

Hey there fellow bloggers, how's it going?  'Tis I, Faith, and I accept been nominated by Margot from Lectito for the Sunshine Blogger Laurels! Cheers very much! πŸ™‚ Today, it'southward not but an laurels mail, but there's also a bit of a WAFFLES VS PANCAKES SHOWDOWN. Oh yes, it'due south happening. * grins maliciously * Continue reading

Have you e'er wanted to celebrate Christmas and New Twelvemonth'south in the middle of March?! Never fearfulness, here's the closest matter y'all'll become to exercise just that!

Note: Faith is the only person who posts a vacation book review in springtime. Feel free to take plenty of screenshots because this is probably an exclusive absurdity that you'll never come across anywhere else.

Now I know what you're thinking. Seriously, wintertime is now non-real and THIS is the kind of volume review you're bringing u.s.? Yous betcha. (Unless you live in the southern hemisphere in which winter is really ARRIVING – geography is and so weird it makes my brain spin every fourth dimension I effort to call back about it… simply it's simultaneously awesome. I just can't imagine having Christmas while becoming fried into a crisp nether the dominicus!) Welcome to a slightly shameless couple-calendar month-old book review. Let'south go! πŸ˜€ Continue reading

Welcome, bookworms, to the latest and greatest edition of Which Wednesdays (ok, and then, information technology might non be the greatest). This week's topic is Aliens… but non these guys:


Nope. I'1000 talking about the legal term that The Usa of America uses to describe illegal immigrants. Yes, these soccer-loving, taco eating, sombrero obsessed criminal-element, rapist Mexicans.

(I hope y'all are feeling the sarcasm)

At present, with all of Trump'south… assholery…, he said he's gonna build a wall and continue the Mexicans out (never mind that not all the illegal immigrants are not Mexican, but who cares? )

And then, I've stumbled on a few stories dealing with these topics, so without further ado, here's Joyride by Anna Banks and Dream Things Truthful by Marie Marquardt. Both these stories are told in the POV of POCs (so yay diversity), and by simply looking at the summaries, they have a lot in common. Proceed reading